VA Re-Authorization For Acupuncture

Course of Treatment vs. Your Pain

Your initial set of 12 Acupuncture treatments is considered One Course of Acupuncture. The VA will Re-Authorize you additional Acupuncture, if needed.

The VA Re-Authorization process can sometimes take a long time.  We do not want your pain coming back just because your care stops.  It has taken a long time for you to find what works.  Let’s make sure you become and remain healthy and pain-free.

Below is some information that will help you maintain your continuity of care and speed up the Re-Authorization process.

Frequency & Continuity of Care

  1. Acupuncture is a Frequency based medicine, especially in the Relief Care Stage (your initial sets of care). Make sure you don’t have big breaks in your treatments.
  2. Some Veterans only need one course of treatment, however many need more than one course. Make sure you do not have a big break between your Initial Authorization and your Re-Authorization or your pains may come back and make your life less functional.

Process for Veterans to Obtain Re-Authorization

  1. Contact your PCM/PCP, thru MyHealtheVet or in person, no later than 2 weeks after starting your initial acupuncture course of treatment.
  2. Tell your provider the following:
    1. “I want to see my current acupuncture provider.”
    2. “Base it on wait time. Not BMI.” (Best Medical Interest)
  3. After one week, contact the RCI (Referral Coordination Initiative) Team to facilitate faster authorization. 706-733-0188, ext. 26323
  4. Then message or call VACCN (VA Community Care Network) Prog Admin to check on your authorization status. 706-733-0188, ext. 33666

***Ask For Your Reauthorization Early.  Your Health is Important.***