VA Re-Authorization For Acupuncture
Course of Treatment vs. Your Pain
Your initial set of 12 Acupuncture treatments is considered One Course of Acupuncture. The VA will Re-Authorize you additional Acupuncture, if needed.
The VA Re-Authorization process can sometimes take a long time. We do not want your pain coming back just because your care stops. It has taken a long time for you to find what works. Let’s make sure you become and remain healthy and pain-free.
Below is some information that will help you maintain your continuity of care and speed up the Re-Authorization process.
Frequency & Continuity of Care
- Acupuncture is a Frequency based medicine, especially in the Relief Care Stage (your initial sets of care). Make sure you don’t have big breaks in your treatments.
- Some Veterans only need one course of treatment, however many need more than one course. Make sure you do not have a big break between your Initial Authorization and your Re-Authorization or your pains may come back and make your life less functional.
Process for Veterans to Obtain Re-Authorization
- Contact your PCM/PCP, thru MyHealtheVet or in person, no later than 2 weeks after starting your initial acupuncture course of treatment.
- Tell your provider the following:
- “I want to see my current acupuncture provider.”
- “Base it on wait time. Not BMI.” (Best Medical Interest)
- After one week, contact the RCI (Referral Coordination Initiative) Team to facilitate faster authorization. 706-733-0188, ext. 26323
- Then message or call VACCN (VA Community Care Network) Prog Admin to check on your authorization status. 706-733-0188, ext. 33666
***Ask For Your Reauthorization Early. Your Health is Important.***